Tablespoon is having Double Rainbow Week and we contributed some Double Rainbow Cupcakes! I was so surprised to open my Tablespoon Newsletter to see them front and center, what an honor! Thank you!
Click here for recipe or click on the photo below.
My kids loved these cupcakes so much that we made 72 of them to take to school and share. They were a huge hit and definitely something we’ll be making often.

My favorite part is that the kids get to help mix, mash and drizzle the colored batter. There’s something for everyone to do and a great way to make some fun kitchen memories. First, gather up your ingredients, prepare the cake mix according to package directions and divide into 6 quart-sized freezer bags.

Add food coloring to each bag (one for each color of the rainbow), seal tightly and let your little helpers mix and mash until combined.

After all your colors are mixed, you’re ready to pipe out your cupcake batter!

Cut a small piece of the corner of each bag and squeeze about 2 tsp into each cupcake wrapper. Don’t worry about covering the entire surface with each color, just make sure they get added in “rainbow order”.

Bake at 350 degrees for 18-22 minutes, until done. While your cupcakes are baking, melt each color of chocolate and spoon each into quart freezer bags. Tape down some wax paper and draw rainbows! If you’re like me and need some guidelines, you can download this rainbow template and place underneath your wax paper.

Let set completely, about 15 minutes. Don’t worry if they look messy on the back, when you peel them off, the smooth side will be gorgeous!

Frost the cooled cupcakes with white icing and place a chocolate rainbow on top. Now if there were only a pot of gold included! ;)