
Make Your Own Colored Sugar

Oh, how we love colored sugar and sprinkles around here! A little pink sugar (I mean "fairy dust";) sprinkled on the top of oatmeal somehow makes breakfast magical!
The problem is that they are so darn expensive!! Well, it's easy to make your own, here's how. The kids will LOVE helping with this. It's amazing to watch plain sugar turn into vibrant colors!

Granulated Sugar
Food Coloring
Ziploc Baggies
Airtight containers (optional)
Wax paper (optional)

Place desired amount of sugar in ziploc baggie. Sandwich bags work fine but I prefer to use quart freezer bags just to be safe, especially when small hands are helping.:) Add a small amount of food coloring. Gel food coloring works best, but you can use liquid as well. Seal bag and smoosh, mash, and mix until coloring is completely mixed into sugar. It takes a couple minutes to really mix it in well. Add more coloring as desired or more sugar if you want to lighten the color. Store in the baggie or in an airtight container. Sugar should last several months.
NOTE: If you use liquid food coloring, spread out sugar after mixing to dry on wax paper for a few hours then store in airtight containers or baggies.

I love McCormick's liquid neon food coloring (in the spice aisle), it comes in a 4 pack and is around $2.99. The colors are great!
p.s. If you look closely at the top picture, you can see the 6 ft. tall Wowie Zowie gumball machine that sits in our living room. I bought it for Fathers Day at a garage sale for $40 a couple years ago. DH wasn't even shocked that I brought it home. Don't I have the coolest husband ever??!

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